FFI™ Fitness Instructor / Personal Trainer Qualification

FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal S&C Trainer Qualification Course

About FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal S&C Trainer Qualifications.

Do you want a career change? Learn from Irelands most experienced fitness industry tutors. Start your career in Health, fitness and S&C with FFI™.

Work in a gym, open your own gym or set up a personal training business. Learn how to work one to one with clients, to help them achieve a healthier, fitter, stronger lifestyle.

Along with our personal trainer qualification, you will also get our level 1 FFI™ Hardstyle Kettlebells Trainer qualification. This FFI™ kettlebells qualification was the first of its kind in Ireland.

Course Details

FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer Qualification Course
This FFI™ 12 week part time course is designed for students to help them enter into the fitness industry. 

When you successfully complete this FFI™ course you will be qualified as an FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer. Students will be able to prescribe safe and effective exercise to the general public, in a gym environment or in their own classes.

Successful participants will also have the knowledge and skills to prescribe health related fitness programmes to their clients, focused on their individual needs.

Qualified students will also be able to prescribe specific programmes for strength training, strength endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, weight loss, muscle growth (hypertrophy) and general physical fitness .

Along with the FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer qualification, successful students will also receive the level 1 FFI™ Hardstyle Kettlebell S&C Trainer qualification.


There will be written and practical assessments during and at the end of the FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer course. Students must also complete and submit a learner workbook before the end of their course. Students will only be qualified when all assessments are passed, learner workbook completed and all criteria met.

Course Syllabus

FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer Qualification Course
The syllabus for the FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer course includes:

  • Functional Anatomy and Physiology
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Components of Health Related Fitness (HRF)
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Functional Myology
  • Flexibility, Mobility and Stretching
  • Machine and free weight resistance training
  • Muscular strength endurance (MSE) training
  • Core and bodyweight training
  • Client appraisal and motivational interviewing
  • Completion of a student learner workbook
  • Client screening and fitness assessment
  • Circuit training in a gym environment (Not exercise to music)
  • Planning and designing gym based programmes
  • Evaluating gym based programmes
  • Health safety in the gym environment
  • Health related fitness and special conditions
  • Level 1 FFI™ Hardstyle Kettlebells training


FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer Qualification Course
This course is suitable for :

Students over 18 years of age
Students who can understand and speak English (lectures will be in English)
Students who are passionate about the fitness industry
Students who are serious about becoming a qualified FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer 

Course structure

The FFI™ Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer Qualification Course will be run over 10 weekends. Ideally the course weekends will run consecutively, but not in all cases.

Class times will be:

Saturday 10am-12.30pm Lunch Break one hour 1.30pm-4pm

Sunday 10am-12.30pm Lunch Break one hour 1.30pm-4pm

Each class will mostly consist of a mixture of class room based lectures and practical gym work. Some classes may be all lecture or all practical, your tutors will advise you on this.

Students are expected to attend all classes.

Students will be expected to take notes in all classes and study outsdie of course contact hours.

Why Train with FFI™ ?

Our goal at FFI™ is to train students so that they are ready to work in any fitness scenario:

  • Commercial gym
  • Your own gym
  • Private Personal Trainer
  • Group Personal Trainer (Bootcamp)
  • Strength & Conditioning coach for athletes or teams
  • Pilates Studio
  • Work alongside Physiotherapists in Pilates rehabilitation

We aim to guide our qualified personal trainers into the areas of fitness that suits them best. Whether that be in strength & conditioning (S&C), group fitness, personal training, or Piates teacher in fitness and or rehabilitation.

Our FFI™ tutors have many years of experience in the fitness industry and will pass their knowledge on to our students.

When you train with FFI™ you will have one of Irelands most experienced tutors, director Shane Nicoletti. Shane worked with the National Training Centre as a senior tutor for 13 years, before setting up FFI™ as a director.

At the NTC, Shane helped set up and taught on the personal trainer courses, the neuromuscular and physical therapy courses and the Pilates instructor courses. You will receive expert knowledge from all of our tutors at FFI™.

Shane is also a qualified Neuromuscular and physical therapist, Strength and Conditioning coach and a Pilates & rehabilitation specialist, so you will receive quality education in the health fitness, S&C sector.

FFI™ are not just a pay for your certificate school, we will aim to keep our graduates part of the FFI™ community, help them in the health fitness industry, even after their official course has ended. 

See our strength and conditioning course section for further education for students.





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