FFI™ Kettlebells module 1 S&C Qualification

Taught by : Function and Fitness Ireland FFI™ 

There will be indoor and possible outdoor (weather permitting) sections to this course.

This newly designed 2 day FFI™ kettlebells S&C module 1 course is designed to show Fitness Professionals / coaches how to teach FFI™ hardstyle kettlebells S&C techniques to the general public in a safe and effective manner.

This course promotes FFI™ hardstyle kettlebells S&C techniques. FFI™ techniques focus on optimal tension, strength, power production, mobility, stability and relaxation. FFI™ methods also focus on corrective exercise and quality of movement.

Our courses will be taught by FFI™ tutors. Our tutors are trained teachers, not just instructors. We have skills in how to teach trainers.

Course suitability

The FFI™ Kettlebells module 1 S&C course is suitable for:

Personal Trainers
Fitness Instructors
Strength and Conditioning Coaches
Crossfit coaches
BJJ/MMA or fight coaches etc.
Athletic trainers
Pilates / yoga teachers
Fitness professionals
GAA, Soccer, Rugby or other sports coaches
Physical Education teachers
Non Fitness Professionals / Teachers (See below in Requirements)

Module 1 Kettlebells movements covered:

The Deadlift with variations
The two handed swing and one handed swing
The Clean / Hang Clean
The Goblet squat
The Front Squat Racked
The push press
The Military Press
The quarter snatch, high pull and Snatch
The FFI™ style Turkish Get Up
The Kettlebell arm bar
The low and high windmill

The following is what the module 1 course will offer you:

A full colour FFI™ kettlebell S&C training book of the movements covered and more
The history of the kettlebell and why use it?
The benefits of kettlebells movements
Safety in using kettlebells
Suitability in using kettlebells and contra-indications
Theory and practical sessions
Effective teaching skills
Verbal and visual demonstrations
Over 20 FFI™ kettlebell movements and variations
Correct posture and body alignment details
Study kinesiology through functional movement
Correct technical guidelines for teaching the kettlebells movements
How to spot and fix poor techniques
Safe and effective progressions and modifications
Kinetic closed chain movements
Speed eccentrics and types of contractions
Dynamic Range of Movement warm ups
Body weight, strength and mobility drills
Postural assessment skills
The importance of Dynamic stabilization in movement
Demonstrations and feedback of all the movements
Programme design : how to put together a FFI™ kettlebells class
Indoor and outdoor class requirements
Sample workout programmes
How to prepare for examination
Advice on advertising and marketing

FFI™ Kettlebells & Power Clubs S&C Qualification

Taught by : Function and Fitness Ireland FFI™ 

There may be indoor and possible outdoor (weather permitting) sections to this course.

About this course?

This 2 day FFI™ Kettlebells & Power Clubs S&C course is the first of its kind, anywhere in the world. FFI™ are once again leading the way in old school functional S&C training.

If you are a Camogie, Hurling or Golf coach, this course will enable you to teach your athlete(s) how to be mobile, strong and powerful. Your athletes will learn how to become more explosive and reduce their risk of injury. Imagine the potential of your athlete(s) when they become more powerful.

This course is also designed to show Fitness Professionals how to teach FFI™ hardstyle Kettlebells & Power Clubs S&C techniques to the general public in a safe and effective manner. Your client will learn how to strip away unwanted body fat with functional, short and enjoyable training sessions.

This course promotes FFI™ hardstyle S&C techniques. FFI™ techniques focus on optimal tension, strength, power production, mobility, stability and relaxation. FFI™ methods also focus on corrective exercise and quality of movement.


Our courses will be taught by FFI™ tutors. Our tutors are trained teachers, not just instructors. We have skills in how to teach trainers.

Course suitability

The FFI™ Kettlebells & Power Clubs Module 1 S&C course is suitable for:

  • GAA Camogie, Hurling, Football coaches etc.
  • Golf coaches
  • Soccer, Rugby or other sports coaches
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaches
  • Personal Trainers
  • Fitness Instructors
  • Crossfit coaches
  • BJJ/MMA or fight coaches etc.
  • Athletic trainers
  • Physical Education teachers
  • Non Fitness Professionals / Teachers (See below in Requirements)

Module 1 Kettlebells movements covered:

  • The Deadlift SLDL & Squat
  • The two and one handed swing
  • The Clean / Hang Clean
  • The Goblet and racked squat
  • The push and military press
  • The High Pull and quarter snatch
  • The FFI™ hardstyle Snatch,
  • The  FFI™ Turkish Get Up
  • The Kettlebell arm bar
  • The FFI™ low windmill

Module 1 Power Clubs movements covered:

  • 2 and 1 handed swing
  • 2 and 1 handed forward swing & clean
  • 2 and 1 handed swing & chop
  • Halo’s with Spinal Twist
  • 2  and 1 handed inward lateral swing
  • 2 and 1 handed outward lateral swing
  • The Mill
  • Squat and Lunge in Rack
  • Barbarian squat

The following is what this course will offer you:

  • A 52 page full colour FFI™ kettlebell S&C training book of the movements covered and more
  • A 59 page full colour FFI™ Power Clubs S&C Training Book of the movements covered and more
  • The history of the Kettlebells & Power Clubs and why use them?
  • The benefits of Kettlebells & Power Clubs movements
  • Safety in using Kettlebells & Power Clubs
  • Suitability in using Kettlebells & Power Clubs and contra-indications
  • Theory and practical sessions
  • Effective teaching skills
  • Verbal and visual demonstrations
  • Over 14 kettlebells and 20 Power Clubs movements and variations
  • Correct posture and body alignment details
  • Study kinesiology through functional movement
  • Correct technical guidelines for teaching the Kettlebells & Power Clubs movements
  • How to spot and fix poor techniques
  • Safe and effective progressions and modifications
  • Kinetic closed chain movements
  • Speed eccentrics and types of contractions
  • Dynamic Range of Movement warm ups
  • Body weight, strength and mobility drills
  • Postural assessment skills
  • The importance of Dynamic stabilization in movement
  • Demonstrations and feedback of all the movements
  • Programme design guidelines
  • Indoor and outdoor class requirements
  • Sample workout programmes
  • Advice on advertising and marketing

FFI™ Kettlebells module 2 S&C Qualification

Taught by : Function and Fitness Ireland FFI™ 

There will be indoor and possible outdoor (weather permitting) sections to this course.

This 1 day FFI™ module 2 Kettlebells S&C instructor course is designed to show FFI™ kettlebells level 1 students how to teach advanced FFI™ hardstyle kettlebells S&C techniques to the general public in a safe and effective manner. This course promotes advanced FFI™ hardstyle kettlebells S&C techniques. FFI™ techniques focus on optimal tension, strength, power production, mobility, stability and relaxation. FFI™ methods also focus on corrective exercise and quality of movement.

The courses will be taught by FFI™ tutors. Our tutors are trained teachers, not just instructors. We have skills and qualifications in how to teach trainers.

Course suitability

The FFI™ module 2 Kettlebells S&C instructor course is suitable for:

  • Students who have attended  a FFI™ kettlebells module 1 S&C instructor course

Module 2 Kettlebells movements covered:

  • The Double kettlebells deadlift with variations
  • The Double kettlebells squat
  • The Double kettlebells swing
  • The Double kettlebells push press
  • The single and Double kettlebell jerk
  • The Double kettlebells Military Press
  • The See Saw press
  • The half kneeling press
  • The Sots press
  • The Double kettlebells high pull
  • The Double kettlebells Snatch,
  • Turkish get up with variations
  • The high / low windmill

The following is what the module 2 course will offer you:

  • A full colour 35 page book of the movements covered and more
  • The benefits of FFI™ kettlebells module 2 movements
  • Safety in using FFI™ kettlebells module 2 movements
  • Suitability in using FFI™ kettlebells module 2 movements and contra-indications
  • Theory and practical sessions
  • Effective teaching skills
  • Verbal and visual demonstrations
  • Over 18 FFI™ kettlebells module 2 movements and variations
  • Correct posture and body alignment details
  • Study kinesiology
  • Correct technical guidelines for teaching FFI™ kettlebells module 2 movements
  • How to spot and fix poor techniques
  • Safe and effective progressions and modifications
  • Experience kinetic closed chain movements
  • Learn about speed eccentrics and types of muscle contractions
  • How to do mobility warm ups
  • Learn advanced postural and movement assessment skills
  • Demonstrations and feedback on all the FFI™ kettlebells module 2 movements
  • Programme design : how to put together an advanced kettlebells module 2 class
  • Realise indoor and outdoor class requirements
  • Receive sample workout programmes
  • Learn how to prepare for FFI™ kettlebells module 2 examinations
  • Receive advice on advertising and marketing

FFI™ Gym Instructor Kettlebells S&C module 1 Qualification

About this course

This 1 day FFI Gym Instructor kettlebells S&C instructor course is only available for gyms who have a group of instructors looking for qualification.

This course is designed to show gym instructors / personal trainers how to teach hardstyle FFI kettlebells techniques to the general public in the gym environment. The focus of this course is on safety and correct teaching methods to ensure the general public get a safe, enjoyable kettlebells workout.

Course suitability

The FFI™ Gym Instructor kettlebells module 1 S&C course is suitable for:

  • Gym instructor staff only

Module 1 Kettlebells movements covered:

  • The Deadlift
  • The SLDL
  • The two handed swing
  • The one handed swing
  • The 1/4 snatch
  • The Clean / Hang Clean
  • The Goblet squat
  • The Front Squat Racked
  • The push press
  • The Military Press
  • The Turkish Get Up
  • The arm bar
  • The low and high windmill

The following is what the module 1 course will offer you:

  • A full colour FFI™ kettlebell S&C training book of the movements covered and more
  • The history of the kettlebell and why use it?
  • The benefits of kettlebells movements
  • Safety in using kettlebells
  • Suitability in using kettlebells and contra-indications
  • Theory and practical sessions
  • Effective teaching skills
  • Verbal and visual demonstrations
  • Over 12 Kettlebell movements and variations
  • Correct posture and body alignment details
  • Study kinesiology in a practical way
  • Correct technical guidelines for teaching the kettlebells movements
  • How to spot and fix poor techniques
  • Safe and effective progressions and modifications
  • Kinetic closed chain movements
  • Speed eccentrics and types of contractions
  • Dynamic Range of Movement warm ups
  • Body weight, strength and mobility drills
  • Postural assessment skills
  • The importance of Dynamic stabilization in movement
  • Demonstrations and feedback of all the movements
  • Programme design : how to put together a FFI™ kettlebells class
  • Indoor and outdoor class requirements
  • Sample workout programmes
  • How to prepare for advanced movements and courses
  • Advice on advertising and marketing

Contact us to book your in-house course now.


Pay €150 Deposit via PayPal to secure our early bird offer (Before the expiary date) and to book your place.

The remaining fees can be paid when you arrive at the course.

Early Bird Full Course Fee €249.00

Full Course Fee: €299.00

Locations & Dates

Further details for upcoming courses to be confirmed. Please check back soon.


Combined Kettlebells & Power Clubs courses

Participants may take this course as a workshop only and forgo testing. Participants wishing to receive certification will have to partake in written and practical exams.

Kettlebell Courses

For certification courses, there will be a written MCQ exam. This can include anatomy, physiology and principles of fitness.

Participants will be required to wear suitable clothing and footwear. Flat soled runners, eg. Converse or similar. Cross Trainers are not advised. Bring a few changes of clothing drinking water and snacks.

Module 1 Requirements

Participants must hold valid teaching credentials recognised by FFI™ eg: NCEF, ITEC, ACE, NQEHS and equivalent, be free from injury and be suitable for vigorous testing.

Module 2 Requirements

Participants must hold or have attended a FFI™ Kettlebells module 1 S&C Qualification instructor course, be free from injury and be suitable for vigorous testing.

The Snatch. Military press, technique and TGU exams (module 2) may be completed via private video sent to info@ffireland.com

Module 2 candidates should study the movements of all the major muscle groups and be prepared for a written exam on them.

Module 1 kettlebells gym instructor course requirements

Participants must hold a current fitness instructor or personal trainer qualification. Participants must be booked onto the course by your gym.

Preparing for the course

For the module 1 course, swing your test kettlebell or heavier as much as possible.

For the module 2 course, snatch your test kettlebell and heavier as much as possible. Gradually build your snatch numbers with your test kettlebell. Also work on heavy military presses and Turkish get ups.

If you don't pass your practical exams at the course, you may send a private video of your unsuccessful techniques, to FFI for ratification, within 3 months of your course.

For the module 1 kettlebells gym instructor course you will only be assessed on terchnichal and instructional skills. There may be a short written exam at the end of the day.


Over the two days of the FFI module 1 kettlebells course, participants will be continually assessed on their instructional abilities and skills.

On the second day of the FFI module 1 kettlebells course, participants will be technique tested in most of the FFI module 1 kettlebells techniques.

On the first day, FFI module 2 kettlebells instructor course participants will be continually assessed on their instructional abilities and skills. At the end of the day, participants will be technique tested. If participants are unsuccessful in some of the techniques eg: the snatch exam, they will have an opportunity to post a private video of some or all FFI module 2 kettlebells techniques to FFI within 3 months of their course.

Module 1 and module 2 participants will have to pass a FFI™ kettlebells S&C snatch exam

Snatch FFI™ module 1: Men use 20kg kettlebell. Women use 12kg kettlebell. Achieve 80 FFI™ style kettlebell snatches in under 4 minutes

Snatch FFI™ module 2: Men above 65kg use 24kg or below use 20kg kettlebell. Women above 55kg use 16kg or below use 14kg kettlebell. Achieve 100 FFI™ style kettlebell snatches in under 5 minutes.

Press FFI™ module 2: Men should be able to Military press 2 x snatch size kettlebells for 5 strict reps. Women should be able to Military press 2 x snatch size kettlebells for 5 strict reps.

TGU FFI™ module 2: Men FFI™ Turkish get up both sides, with a 32kg kettlebell or a kettlebell nearest half of their body weight. Women FFI™ Turkish get up both sides, with a 24kg kettlebell.

Men will be technique tested with 2 snatch sized kettlebells. Women will be technique tested with 2 snatch sized kettlebells.

Module 1 participants will complete a programme design assignment. This will involve 4 separate one to one case studies. Each case study should consist of 6 x sessions, over a 6 week period. All sessions to be documented and to include a Par Q for each client.


All students will receive the manuals, as part of their course. If you are interested in purchase of the manuals without attending any of our courses, please visit our books section, by clicking here.

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