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How you might train for the next month!

Published on 31st May 2012 at 13:13 by Admin

Are you looking for an idea on how you might train over the next month? Are you looking to get strong, fast, powerful, whilst at the same time reduce body fat? If so here' s an idea for you.

You will need a heavy kettlebell, a barbell, Olympic rings or chin up bar. You will train 2-4 times per week, eg: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Monday and Thursday will involve heavy pressing and Tuesday and Friday will involve fast barbell Olympic style lifting.

Monday : warm up with a push press pyramid up from 1-5 reps each side. After pressing 1 rep each side, do 1 chin up, repeat the same sequence for 2,3 4, 5. For the next pyramid try to military press first, then push press if you have to complete the pyramid. Your pyramid does not have to go to 5, but aim to increase pyramids over the weeks. Also aim to press up to 5 reps with each pyramid.  For the first week, do 2 pyramids, 2nd next week do 3, 3rd week do 4, 4th week do 4-5 pyramids.

Tuesday (speed day) : warm up with the bar, doing squats, presses, overhead squats etc. load the bar with weight but keep it light, the emphasis is on speed and technique. Keep your reps 5 or less and continue with the warm up. Start with dead lifts, rest, high pulls, rest, power cleans, rest, push press, rest, overhead squat, rest. Repeat that sequence again if you want. now progress to:

Hang snatch 5x5

Power snatch 5x5

Full snatch x1 with 4 overhead squats x5 

Work on speed over the weeks, but ensure proper form and technique at all times.

Hope you try it and enjoy it and do let me know what you think?

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